The team held a meeting on Tuesday evening to discuss future plans for the game, how our progress was coming along, and what exactly we had available for the public to view. I was given the opportunity to see our work in action via a short demo reel released by our director.
Unfortunately, this also meant that I was able to spot a few technical errors within the demo in the demo, specifically the parts I am myself currently working on. The textures for the elk do not match on the UV maps I was given. While I have the model and textures provided, I will need to be doing some heavy duty modifications to the texture maps if we want to see any opacity, fur, or feathers.
The team is pleased to say that the elk model is working properly in game and awaits only textures to complete the job. Having put over 11 hours into the files in just one day (I do not recommend that unless you have that sort of time on hand) I have opacity maps roughed out and am actively working on feather allocation.